Thursday, February 9, 2012

Still Here...

Hey all!  Yes, I've been absent for over a month.  I do have my reasons.  It's been a rollercoaster ride of life and emotional adjustments. 

I'll give you a short and to-the-point version: On New Year's Eve, I found out I was pregnant.  This was something both Steve and I wanted, but the actual reality of the situation threw me into a bit of a tailspin.  I've been dealing with my anxieties on a daily basis.  I found a new therapist and I have my support system fully intact.  It was a bumpy road in the beginning, but I'm getting better now. 

So, I'm 10 weeks pregnant.  Everything is good so far.  I've been dealing with nausea, fatigue, heartburn, mood swings, and a changing body.  No throwing up though!  YAY!  I have my first OBGYN appointment tomorrow morning.  Fingers crossed we will be able to hear the heart beat.

ANYWHO, aside from my pregnancy, things have been moving along here at the homestead.  I started my acrylic painting class last week at the Sweetwater Center of the Arts and I'm LOVING it!  Here are two paintings I've worked on:

A painting of New Mexico I did this week.  Not one of my favorites initially but it is growing on me.  Steve really likes it. We are going to glaze it next class.  Should be interesting!

At my first class, I decided to take on this detailed piece.  I'm really loving the way it is turning out.  I'm thinking I'm going to bring it with me to my next class to continue to work on it.
This past week, we were really focusing on mixing colors and figuring out what colors to use as the base foundation of the painting.  I'm still a little wobbly on that.  But I like the instructor, and I really love her work!  She did a piece during the class and it was awesome!  I wanted to take it home and hang it up in my house.  Next class we are going to glaze our landscape piece.  I've never done that, so that should be interesting.

On top of the art class, I'm also taking a dance class.  It's more of an aerobics thing than an official dance class.  I signed up before I found out I was pregnant.  But I'm glad I did.  The only trick is I just don't jump around and go all crazy during the class (because if I did I would be barfing everywhere).  This past week we did a Latin dance mix.  Next week is disco!  I'm excited!

I know I dropped a lot of information in this post.  I'm going to try my best to keep up with regular posts.  I've just been taking things day-by-day, so please be patient with me.

Have a great rest of the week!
Peacing out,

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