Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Now the real fun begins...

Steve and I are finally homeowners!  For those of you who have never purchased a home, don't.  The entire process was stressful and nothing short of dramatic.  But at last, the home is ours!  Steve has been working there EVERYDAY since we closed on the 15th (with the exception of going out of town on a Monday and a Tuesday).  With the help of family, we have been tearing everything down in the house, from walls to entire rooms.  It's a bit overwhelming, but it's going to be worth it in the end. 

That being said, I wanted to reveal the first glimpse of my new art studio.  Now, it is obviously in the "construction stage" at this point.  But, I figured everyone loves seeing a before and after shot.  These are the before shots:

It shouldn't be too long before the room is totally complete.  I'm thinking by the end of January!  I'm really looking forward to having my own work space to create my paintings.  Steve has been totally supportive and excited about it, and he has come up with some nice ideas to help me get organized in my new studio. 

As for my present painting status, things have significantly slowed down.  I'm not too happy about it, so I've decided to come up with a schedule to work on my paintings and work on my home.  I need to begin to build up an inventory because I've decided I am going to apply to 5 or 6 art shows for the 2011 year!  The deadlines for these applications are looming, so I need to start working right away.

My switch from working in HR to working as an artist has been (and will continue to be) a challenge.  Thank God I have a fantastic support system.  Steve's aunt and cousin (Sandi and Karyn) are both working artists, and they have given me invaluable information and tools to help me develop my career as a successful artist.  I saw both of them over the holidays, and they offered incredible feedback and advice on my artwork.  It made me really happy and anxious to get things under way.

I will keep you all posted on the progress of our house!  Happy New Year, everyone!

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